Transforming telemetry
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The OpenTelemetry Collector is a convenient place to transform data before sending it to a vendor or other systems. This is frequently done for data quality, governance, cost, and security reasons.
Processors available from the Collector Contrib repository support dozens of different transformations on metric, span and log data. The following sections provide some basic examples on getting started with a few frequently-used processors.
The configuration of processors, particularly advanced transformations, may have a significant impact on collector performance.
Basic filtering
Processor: filter processor
The filter processor allows users to filter telemetry using OTTL. Telemetry that matches any condition is dropped.
For example, to only allow span data from services app1, app2, and app3 and drop data from all other services:
error_mode: ignore
- |
resource.attributes[""] != "app1" and
resource.attributes[""] != "app2" and
resource.attributes[""] != "app3"
To only drop spans from a service called service1
while keeping all other
error_mode: ignore
- resource.attributes[""] == "service1"
The filter processor docs have more examples, including filtering on logs and metrics.
Adding or Deleting Attributes
Processor: attributes processor or resource processor
The attributes processor can be used to update, insert, delete, or replace existing attributes on metrics or traces. For example, here’s a configuration that adds an attribute called account_id to all spans:
- key: account_id
value: 2245
action: insert
The resource processor has an identical configuration, but applies only to resource attributes. Use the resource processor to modify infrastructure metadata related to telemetry. For example, this inserts the Kubernetes cluster name:
- key:
from_attribute: k8s-cluster
action: insert
Renaming Metrics or Metric Labels
Processor: metrics transform processor
The metrics transform processor shares some functionality with the attributes processor, but also supports renaming and other metric-specific functionality.
- include: system.cpu.usage
action: update
new_name: system.cpu.usage_time
The metrics transform processor also supports regular expressions to apply transform rules to multiple metric names or metric labels at the same time. This example renames cluster_name to cluster-name for all metrics:
- include: ^.*$
match_type: regexp
action: update
- action: update_label
label: cluster_name
new_label: cluster-name
Enriching Telemetry with Resource Attributes
Processor: resource detection processor and k8sattributes processor
These processors can be used for enriching telemetry with relevant infrastructure metadata to help teams quickly identify when underlying infrastructure is impacting service health or performance.
The resource detection processor adds relevant cloud or host-level information to telemetry:
# Modify the list of detectors to match the cloud environment
detectors: [env, system, gcp, ec2, azure]
timeout: 2s
override: false
Similarly, the K8s processor enriches telemetry with relevant Kubernetes metadata like pod name, node name, or workload name. The collector pod must be configured to have read access to certain Kubernetes RBAC APIs, which is documented here. To use the default options, it can be configured with an empty block:
Setting a span status
Processor: transform processor
Use the transform processor to set a span’s status. The following example sets
the span status to Ok
when the http.request.status_code
attribute is 400:
error_mode: ignore
- set(span.status.code, STATUS_CODE_OK) where span.attributes["http.request.status_code"] == 400
You can also use the transform processor to modify the span name based on its attributes or extract span attributes from the span name. For examples, see an example config file file for the transform processor.
Advanced Transformations
More advanced attribute transformations are also available in the transform processor. The transform processor allows end-users to specify transformations on metrics, logs, and traces using the OpenTelemetry Transformation Language.
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