
Status: Experimental

type: container

Description: A container instance.

AttributeTypeDescriptionExamplesRequirement LevelStability
container.idstringContainer ID. Usually a UUID, as for example used to identify Docker containers. The UUID might be abbreviated.a3bf90e006b2RecommendedExperimental
container.image.idstringRuntime specific image identifier. Usually a hash algorithm followed by a UUID. [1]sha256:19c92d0a00d1b66d897bceaa7319bee0dd38a10a851c60bcec9474aa3f01e50fRecommendedExperimental
container.image.namestringName of the image the container was built
container.image.repo_digestsstring[]Repo digests of the container image as provided by the container runtime. [2]["example@sha256:afcc7f1ac1b49db317a7196c902e61c6c3c4607d63599ee1a82d702d249a0ccb", ""]RecommendedExperimental
container.image.tagsstring[]Container image tags. An example can be found in Docker Image Inspect. Should be only the <tag> section of the full name for example from<tag>.["v1.27.1", "3.5.7-0"]RecommendedExperimental
container.label.<key>stringContainer labels, <key> being the label name, the value being the label
container.namestringContainer name used by container runtime.opentelemetry-autoconfRecommendedExperimental
container.runtimestringThe container runtime managing this container.docker; containerd; rktRecommendedExperimental
oci.manifest.digeststringThe digest of the OCI image manifest. For container images specifically is the digest by which the container image is known. [3]sha256:e4ca62c0d62f3e886e684806dfe9d4e0cda60d54986898173c1083856cfda0f4RecommendedExperimental
container.commandstringThe command used to run the container (i.e. the command name). [4]otelcontribcolOpt-InExperimental
container.command_argsstring[]All the command arguments (including the command/executable itself) run by the container.["otelcontribcol", "--config", "config.yaml"]Opt-InExperimental
container.command_linestringThe full command run by the container as a single string representing the full command.otelcontribcol --config config.yamlOpt-InExperimental

[1]: Docker defines a sha256 of the image id; corresponds to the Image field from the Docker container inspect API endpoint. K8s defines a link to the container registry repository with digest "imageID": " /namespace/service/dockerfile@sha256:bdeabd40c3a8a492eaf9e8e44d0ebbb84bac7ee25ac0cf8a7159d25f62555625". The ID is assigned by the container runtime and can vary in different environments. Consider using oci.manifest.digest if it is important to identify the same image in different environments/runtimes.

[2]: Docker and CRI report those under the RepoDigests field.

[3]: Follows OCI Image Manifest Specification, and specifically the Digest property. An example can be found in Example Image Manifest.

[4]: If using embedded credentials or sensitive data, it is recommended to remove them to prevent potential leakage.