Semantic convention groups

Status: Development

Spans, metrics, events, and resources are defined in semantic convention groups in YAML schema. Each group has a type property that could be one of the following:

  • span - defines semantic convention for a specific type of span, such as HTTP CLIENT
  • metric - defines semantic convention for a specific metric, such as HTTP client request duration
  • event - defines semantic conventions for a specific event, such as exception.
  • resource - defines semantic conventions for a specific entity the telemetry is collected within, such as service.

Groups that have attribute_group type do not describe semantic convention and are used for auxiliary purposes.

All semantic convention groups have the following common properties:

  • id - identifies specific span type, metric instrument, or event among other spans, instruments, or events.
  • brief and note provide human-readable description of the convention
  • stability describes the maturity level of the convention
  • deprecated property marks convention as deprecated and provides information about replacement or other details.
  • attributes lists references to applicable attributes in the registry

In addition to common properties, semantic convention groups have type-specific properties, see Schema documentation for the details.

Group Stability

Semantic Convention groups can have the following stability levels: development, alpha, beta, release_candidate, and stable.

Stability level is required on groups of all types except attribute_group. If stability level is not specified, it’s assumed to be development.

Group stability MUST NOT change from stable to any other level.

Semantic convention group of any stability level MUST NOT be removed to preserve code generation and documentation for legacy instrumentations.

When group is renamed or no longer recommended, it SHOULD be deprecated.

See Versioning and Stability for the details on stability guarantees provided for semantic convention groups of different types.

Stability guarantees do not apply to groups with attribute_group type as they don’t describe telemetry items.

Groups with mixed stability

Stability guarantees on a group apply to the group properties (such as type, id and signal-specific properties) as well as overridden properties of stable attributes referenced by this group.

Stability guarantees on a group level do not apply to unstable attribute references.

Unstable groups:

  • MAY add or remove references to stable or unstable attributes
  • MAY change requirement level and other properties of attribute references

Stable groups:

  • MAY add or remove references to unstable attributes with opt_in requirement level.
  • SHOULD NOT have references to unstable attributes with requirement level other than opt_in. The requirement level of an unstable attribute reference MAY be changed when this attribute becomes stable in cases allowed by the Versioning and Stability.
  • MUST NOT remove references to stable attributes.

Stable instrumentations MUST NOT report telemetry following the unstable part of semantic conventions by default. They MAY support unstable part and allow users to opt into it.