Semantic Conventions for Azure Resource Log events

Status: Experimental

This document defines semantic conventions for instrumentations that emit Azure Resource Log events.

Azure Resource Log


The event name MUST be az.resource.log.

AttributeTypeDescriptionExamplesRequirement LevelStability
az.service_request_idstringThe unique identifier of the service request. It’s generated by the Azure service and returned with the response.00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000RecommendedExperimental
cloud.resource_idstringThe Fully Qualified Azure Resource ID the log is emitted for.arn:aws:lambda:REGION:ACCOUNT_ID:function:my-function; //; /subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_GUID>/resourceGroups/<RG>/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/<FUNCAPP>/functions/<FUNC>RecommendedExperimental
event.namestringIdentifies the class / type of event. [1];

[1]: Event names are subject to the same rules as attribute names. Notably, event names are namespaced to avoid collisions and provide a clean separation of semantics for events in separate domains like browser, mobile, and kubernetes.

Body Fields

Body FieldTypeDescriptionExamplesRequirement LevelStability
categorystringThe Azure category of the log entry.AuditEvent, GatewayLogs, ApplicationGatewayAccessLogRequiredExperimental
correlation.idstringThe correlation ID of the log entry.607964b6-41a5-4e24-a5db-db7aab3b9b34RequiredExperimental
durationintThe duration of the operations in milliseconds.1000RequiredExperimental
identitystringA JSON blob that describes the identity of the user or application that performed the operation.someoneOpt-InExperimental
operation.namestringThe name of the operation.SecretGet, Microsoft.ApiManagement/GatewayLogs, ApplicationGatewayAccessRequiredExperimental
operation.versionstringThe version of the operation.1.0RequiredExperimental
propertieskeyvaluelistThe properties provided in the Azure Resource Log.{
  “statusCode”: “Created”,
  “serviceRequestId”: “50d5cddb-8ca0-47ad-9b80-6cde2207f97c”
result.typestringThe status associated with the logged event.Started, In Progress, Succeeded, Failed, Active, ResolvedRequiredExperimental
result.signaturestringThe substatus of associated with the logged event.OKRequiredExperimental
result.descriptionstringThe description of the result.The operation was successful, The operation failedRequiredExperimental
tenant.idstringThe tenant ID of the Active Directory tenant that this event is tied to.607964b6-41a5-4e24-a5db-db7aab3b9b34Conditionally Required: if the event is tied to an Active Directory tenant.Experimental

See Azure Resource Log definition for the details.