
General Log Attributes

This document defines log attributes

log.iostreamstringThe stream associated with the log. See below for a list of well-known values.stdout; stderrExperimental

log.iostream has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.

stderrEvents from stderr streamExperimental
stdoutLogs from stdout streamExperimental

Log File Attributes

Attributes for a file to which log was emitted.

log.file.namestringThe basename of the file.audit.logExperimental
log.file.name_resolvedstringThe basename of the file, with symlinks resolved.uuid.logExperimental
log.file.pathstringThe full path to the file./var/log/mysql/audit.logExperimental
log.file.path_resolvedstringThe full path to the file, with symlinks resolved./var/lib/docker/uuid.logExperimental

Log Record Attributes

This document defines the generic attributes that may be used in any Log Record.

log.record.originalstringThe complete original Log Record. [1]77 <86>1 2015-08-06T21:58:59.694Z inactive - - - Something happened; [INFO] 8/3/24 12:34:56 Something happenedExperimental
log.record.uidstringA unique identifier for the Log Record. [2]01ARZ3NDEKTSV4RRFFQ69G5FAVExperimental

[1]: This value MAY be added when processing a Log Record which was originally transmitted as a string or equivalent data type AND the Body field of the Log Record does not contain the same value. (e.g. a syslog or a log record read from a file.)

[2]: If an id is provided, other log records with the same id will be considered duplicates and can be removed safely. This means, that two distinguishable log records MUST have different values. The id MAY be an Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier (ULID), but other identifiers (e.g. UUID) may be used as needed.