Gen AI

GenAI Attributes

This document defines the attributes used to describe telemetry in the context of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) Models requests and responses.

gen_ai.operation.namestringThe name of the operation being performed. [1]chat; text_completion; embeddingsExperimental
gen_ai.request.encoding_formatsstring[]The encoding formats requested in an embeddings operation, if specified. [2]["base64"]; ["float", "binary"]Experimental
gen_ai.request.frequency_penaltydoubleThe frequency penalty setting for the GenAI request.0.1Experimental
gen_ai.request.max_tokensintThe maximum number of tokens the model generates for a request.100Experimental
gen_ai.request.modelstringThe name of the GenAI model a request is being made to.gpt-4Experimental
gen_ai.request.presence_penaltydoubleThe presence penalty setting for the GenAI request.0.1Experimental
gen_ai.request.stop_sequencesstring[]List of sequences that the model will use to stop generating further tokens.["forest", "lived"]Experimental
gen_ai.request.temperaturedoubleThe temperature setting for the GenAI request.0.0Experimental
gen_ai.request.top_kdoubleThe top_k sampling setting for the GenAI request.1.0Experimental
gen_ai.request.top_pdoubleThe top_p sampling setting for the GenAI request.1.0Experimental
gen_ai.response.finish_reasonsstring[]Array of reasons the model stopped generating tokens, corresponding to each generation received.["stop"]; ["stop", "length"]Experimental
gen_ai.response.idstringThe unique identifier for the completion.chatcmpl-123Experimental
gen_ai.response.modelstringThe name of the model that generated the response.gpt-4-0613Experimental
gen_ai.systemstringThe Generative AI product as identified by the client or server instrumentation. [3]openaiExperimental
gen_ai.token.typestringThe type of token being counted.input; outputExperimental
gen_ai.usage.input_tokensintThe number of tokens used in the GenAI input (prompt).100Experimental
gen_ai.usage.output_tokensintThe number of tokens used in the GenAI response (completion).180Experimental

[1] If one of the predefined values applies, but specific system uses a different name it’s RECOMMENDED to document it in the semantic conventions for specific GenAI system and use system-specific name in the instrumentation. If a different name is not documented, instrumentation libraries SHOULD use applicable predefined value.

[2] gen_ai.request.encoding_formats: In some GenAI systems the encoding formats are called embedding types. Also, some GenAI systems only accept a single format per request.

[3] gen_ai.system: The gen_ai.system describes a family of GenAI models with specific model identified by gen_ai.request.model and gen_ai.response.model attributes.

The actual GenAI product may differ from the one identified by the client. For example, when using OpenAI client libraries to communicate with Mistral, the gen_ai.system is set to openai based on the instrumentation’s best knowledge.

For custom model, a custom friendly name SHOULD be used. If none of these options apply, the gen_ai.system SHOULD be set to _OTHER. has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.

chatChat completion operation such as OpenAI Chat APIExperimental
embeddingsEmbeddings operation such as OpenAI Create embeddings APIExperimental
text_completionText completions operation such as OpenAI Completions API (Legacy)Experimental

gen_ai.system has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.

aws.bedrockAWS BedrockExperimental AI InferenceExperimental
ibm.watsonx.aiIBM Watsonx AIExperimental
vertex_aiVertex AIExperimental

gen_ai.token.type has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.

inputInput tokens (prompt, input, etc.)Experimental
outputOutput tokens (completion, response, etc.)Experimental

OpenAI Attributes

Thie group defines attributes for OpenAI.

gen_ai.openai.request.response_formatstringThe response format that is requested.jsonExperimental
gen_ai.openai.request.seedintRequests with same seed value more likely to return same result.100Experimental
gen_ai.openai.request.service_tierstringThe service tier requested. May be a specific tier, default, or; defaultExperimental
gen_ai.openai.response.service_tierstringThe service tier used for the response.scale; defaultExperimental
gen_ai.openai.response.system_fingerprintstringA fingerprint to track any eventual change in the Generative AI environment.fp_44709d6fcbExperimental

gen_ai.openai.request.response_format has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.

json_objectJSON object response formatExperimental
json_schemaJSON schema response formatExperimental
textText response formatExperimental

gen_ai.openai.request.service_tier has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.

autoThe system will utilize scale tier credits until they are exhausted.Experimental
defaultThe system will utilize the default scale tier.Experimental

Deprecated GenAI Attributes

Describes deprecated gen_ai attributes.

gen_ai.completionstringDeprecated, use Event API to report completions contents.[{'role': 'assistant', 'content': 'The capital of France is Paris.'}]Deprecated
Removed, no replacement at this time.
gen_ai.promptstringDeprecated, use Event API to report prompt contents.[{'role': 'user', 'content': 'What is the capital of France?'}]Deprecated
Removed, no replacement at this time.
gen_ai.usage.completion_tokensintDeprecated, use gen_ai.usage.output_tokens instead.42Deprecated
Replaced by gen_ai.usage.output_tokens attribute.
gen_ai.usage.prompt_tokensintDeprecated, use gen_ai.usage.input_tokens instead.42Deprecated
Replaced by gen_ai.usage.input_tokens attribute.