Getting started with otelsql, the OpenTelemetry instrumentation for Go SQL

otelsql is an instrumentation library for the database/sql library of the Go programming language. It generates traces and metrics from the application when interacting with databases. By doing that, the library allows you to identify errors or slowdowns in your SQL queries that potentially impact the performance of your application.

Let’s go dive into how to use this library!

Getting Started

otelsql is a wrapper layer for interfaces from database/sql. When users use the wrapped database interfaces, the otelsql generates the telemetry data and passes operations to the underlying database.

In the following example, you are going to use Docker Compose to run the otel-collector example from the otelsql repository. This example uses a MySQL client with the otelsql instrumentation. The telemetry it generates will be pushed to the OpenTelemetry Collector. Then, it shows the trace data on Jaeger and the metrics data on a Prometheus server.

Here is the data flow:

flowchart LR;
    A[MySQL client]-->B[OpenTelemetry Collector];
    B-->C["Jaeger (trace)"];
    B-->D["Prometheus (metrics)"];

Let’s clone the otelsql repository here and run the example and take a look at the most important lines of code.

git clone

In the otelsql folder, you can also check out the git tag to v0.29.0 (the latest tag while writing this post) to ensure the example is runnable, as the steps to run the example might be changed in the future.

git checkout tags/v0.29.0

Let’s go to the folder of the otel-collector example and bring up all services.

cd example/otel-collector
docker compose up -d

After building images and running services, let’s check the service logs to ensure the SQL client is finished.

docker compose logs client

Then, we can access the Jaeger UI at localhost:16686 and the Prometheus UI at localhost:9090 to see the results.

Here we are viewing a trace graph on Jaeger. We can see the duration and parameters of each operation with the database.

example of Jaeger UI

Here we are viewing the metric db_sql_latency_milliseconds_sum on Prometheus.

example of Prometheus UI

More otelsql generated metrics options can be found on the otelsql document.

Understand the example

Let’s look at the docker-compose.yaml file first.

version: '3.9'
    image: mysql:8.3
      - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=otel_password
        mysqladmin ping -h -u root --password=$$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD
      start_period: 5s
      interval: 5s
      timeout: 5s
      retries: 10

    image: otel/opentelemetry-collector-contrib:0.91.0
    command: ['--config=/etc/otel-collector.yaml']
      - ./otel-collector.yaml:/etc/otel-collector.yaml
      - jaeger

    image: prom/prometheus:v2.45.2
      - ./prometheus.yaml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml
      - 9090:9090
      - otel-collector

    image: jaegertracing/all-in-one:1.52
      - 16686:16686

      dockerfile: $PWD/Dockerfile
      context: ../..
        condition: service_healthy

This Docker compose file contains five services. The client service is the MySQL client built from Dockerfile and the source code is main.go in the example folder. The client service runs after the mysql service is up. Then, it initializes the OpenTelemetry client and otelsql instrumentation, make SQL queries to the mysql service, and send metrics and trace data to otel-collector service through the OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP).

After receiving the data, the otel-collector service transfers the data format and send metrics data to the prometheus service, and send trace data to the jaeger service.

Let’s check main.go to see what happens in the client service. Here is the main function.

func main() {
	ctx, cancel := signal.NotifyContext(context.Background(), os.Interrupt)
	defer cancel()

	conn, err := initConn(ctx)
	if err != nil {

	shutdownTracerProvider, err := initTracerProvider(ctx, conn)
	if err != nil {
	defer func() {
		if err := shutdownTracerProvider(ctx); err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to shutdown TracerProvider: %s", err)

	shutdownMeterProvider, err := initMeterProvider(ctx, conn)
	if err != nil {
	defer func() {
		if err := shutdownMeterProvider(ctx); err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to shutdown MeterProvider: %s", err)

	db := connectDB()
	defer db.Close()

	err = runSQLQuery(ctx, db)
	if err != nil {

	fmt.Println("Example finished")

This main function is pretty straightforward. It initializes a connection with the otel-collector service, which is used by the tracer provider and the meter provider. Then, it configures the tracer provider and meter provider with the connection and a shutdown method, which ensures the telemetry data can be pushed to the otel-collector service correctly before exiting the application. After finishing setting up the OpenTelemetry client, it invokes the connectDB method to use the otelsql library to interact with the MySQL database. Let’s look at the details here.

func connectDB() *sql.DB {
	// Connect to database
	db, err := otelsql.Open("mysql", mysqlDSN, otelsql.WithAttributes(
	if err != nil {

	// Register DB stats to meter
	err = otelsql.RegisterDBStatsMetrics(db, otelsql.WithAttributes(
	if err != nil {
	return db

Instead of using the sql.Open method that Go provides, we use otelsql.Open to create an sql.DB instance. The sql.DB instance returned by otelsql.Open is a wrapper that transfers and instruments all DB operations to the underlying sql.DB instance (created by sql.Open). When users send SQL queries with this wrapper, otelsql can see the queries and use the OpenTelemetry client to generate telemetry.

Besides using otelsql.Open, otelsql provides three additional ways to initialize instrumentation: otelsql.OpenDB, otelsql.Register, and otelsql.WrapDriver. These additional methods cover different use cases, as some database drivers or frameworks don’t provide a direct way to create sql.DB. Sometimes, you might need these additional methods to manually create a sql.DB and push it to those database drivers. You can check examples on the otelsql document to learn how to use these methods.

Moving on, we use otelsql.RegisterDBStatsMetrics to register metrics data from sql.DBStats. The metrics recording process runs in the background and updates the value of the metric when needed after the registration, so we don’t need to worry about creating an individual thread for this.

After having an sql.DB wrapped by otelsql, we can use it to make queries.

func runSQLQuery(ctx context.Context, db *sql.DB) error {
	// Create a parent span (Optional)
	tracer := otel.GetTracerProvider()
	ctx, span := tracer.Tracer(instrumentationName).Start(ctx, "example")
	defer span.End()

	err := query(ctx, db)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

func query(ctx context.Context, db *sql.DB) error {
	// Make a query
	rows, err := db.QueryContext(ctx, `SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer rows.Close()

	var currentTime time.Time
	for rows.Next() {
		err = rows.Scan(&currentTime)
		if err != nil {
			return err
	return nil

This runSQLQuery method creates a parent span first (it is an optional step, it makes the query spans have a parent, and it looks good on the trace graph), then queries the current timestamp from the MySQL database.

After this method, the client application finishes and exits. They are the most important lines of code for understanding the example.

Use the example as a playground

After understanding the example, we can use it as a playground, making it a bit complicated to see how it will be used in a real-world scenario.

Use the following codes to replace the runSQLQuery method in the example.

func runSQLQuery(ctx context.Context, db *sql.DB) error {
    // Create a parent span (Optional)
    tracer := otel.GetTracerProvider()
    ctx, span := tracer.Tracer(instrumentationName).Start(ctx, "example")
    defer span.End()

    runSlowSQLQuery(ctx, db)

    err := query(ctx, db)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

func runSlowSQLQuery(ctx context.Context, db *sql.DB) {
    db.QueryContext(ctx, `SELECT SLEEP(1)`)

This time, we added a new query to the example, which is a slow query that would take 1 second to return. Let’s see what could happen and how to identify this slow query.

To make this change work, we need to rebuild the client service.

docker compose build client
docker compose up client

After the client is finished, we can check the trace graph for the trace we just generated on Jaeger.

example of real-world-like Jaeger UI

From this graph, we know the entire example takes 1 second to complete. The root cause of this slowness is not related to the network latency with the database and the timestamp query. It is the SELECT SLEEP(1) query that leads to the slowness.

You can also learn about the slowness from the aggregated statistics of the database by metrics. Such is the observability otelsql can provide so you can learn what your application is doing with the database.


You might worry about the compatibility issue with other databases and other third-party database frameworks (like ORMs) and wonder how widely this instrumentation can be used.

From an implementation perspective, as long as the database drivers or the database frameworks interact with the database (any database, not just an SQL database) through database/sql with context, otelsql should work just fine.

This is an example that shows how otelsql works with Facebook’s entity framework for Go.

Other cool features

Now that you’ve experienced the main feature, let’s take some time to explore the other cool features otelsql provides.

Sqlcommenter support

otelsql integrates Sqlcommenter, an open source ORM autoinstrumentation library that merges with OpenTelemetry by injecting a comment into SQL statements to enable context propagation for the database.

Using the option WithSQLCommenter, otelsql injects a comment for every SQL statement it instruments.

For instance, an SQL query sent to the database



SELECT * from FOO /*traceparent='00-4bf92f3577b34da6a3ce929d0e0e4736-00f067aa0ba902b7-01',tracestate='congo%3Dt61rcWkgMzE%2Crojo%3D00f067aa0ba902b7'*/

Then the database that supports Sqlcommenter can record its operation for this query with a specified trace and publish its trace spans to a trace store, so you can see your application trace spans correlated with query trace spans from the database in one place.

example of Sqlcommenter from google cloud document

Picture coming from google cloud document.

Custom span name

If you don’t like the default span name, you can use otelsql.WithSpanNameFormatter to customize the span name.

Here is the example usage:

otelsql.WithSpanNameFormatter(func(ctx context.Context, method otelsql.Method, query string) string {
    return string(method) + ": " + query

Then, the span name could become {method}: {query}. Here is an example of the span name:

sql.conn.query: select current_timestamp

Filter spans

You can use otelsql.SpanFilter from otelsql.SpanOptions to filter out spans you don’t want to generate. It is useful when you want to discard some spans.

What’s next?

You should now be able to apply what you have learned from this blog post to your own installation of otelsql.

I would love to hear about your experience! Star otelsql if you find it helpful! If you run into any problems, don’t hesitate to reach out or create an issue.